PVC - Friseur-Schürze mit Tasche UN02
Friseur-Schürze aus PVC mit Tasche und Rückenbindung.
Länge: ca. 78cm
Unisex hairdressing apron, with patch pocket and pretty edge binding. Length 31"
Tabla de colores y materiales para KF-Mode / Farb- & Materialtabelle für KF-Mode / Color chart
> Si su color deseado no figura en el menú de selección, ingrese el código de color deseado en el campo de comentarios al hacer el pedido.
> Ist ihre Wunschfarbe im Auwahlmenü nicht aufgeführt, bitte den Wunsch-Farbcode in das Kommentarfeld bei Bestellabschluss eingeben.
> If your desired color is not listed in the selection menu, please enter the desired color code in the comment field when ordering.
Gráfico de tamaño / Größentabellen / Size chart
> Orden personalizado / personalizado según los requisitos del cliente. Los plazos de entrega varían y dependen del fabricante.
> Sonderanfertigung / Einzelanfertigung nach Kundenwunsch. Lieferzeiten variieren und hängen vom Hersteller ab.
> Custom-made according to customer requirements. Delivery times vary and depend on the manufacturer.
KF PVC Plastik - Friseur-Schürze mit Tasche UN02 APRON
Brands PlasticWear
Product Code: 9982_UN02
Availability: Pre-Order
Available Options
--- Please Select ---
BKS12 / Black shiny / 150 Microns
BKS13 / Schwarz / 150 Microns
BKS4 / outside black, inside red / 400 Microns
BKS1 / Shiny Black / 200 Microns
BKS11S / Black shiny, thick material / 270 Microns
BKT3 / Semi transparent black / 200 Microns
BKG1 / Semi Transparent Black glossy / 200 Microns
BKS7 / Black Shiny, thin material / 120 Microns
BLM3 / Light Blue Nursery Printing / 200 Microns
BLM3 / Light blue nursery print / 200 Microns
BLG1 / Semit transparent blue shiny glossy / 200 Microns
BLT8 / Blue semi transparent shiny / 150 Microns
BLS2 / Shiny blue / 200 Microns
BLS1 / Royal Blue / 200 Microns
BLS6 / Blue Shiny / 280 Microns
BLT3 / Semi transparent baby blue / 170 Microns
BLS5 / Blue Shiny / 250 Microns
BLM2 / Baby blue / 180 Microns
GRG1 / Green transparent glossy / 200 Microns
GRT6 / Green semi transparent / 200 Microns
NAG4 / Natural glass clear transparent black stripes / 210 Microns
NAT14 / Natural Vintage transparent / 150 Microns
NAT15 / Semi transparent natur thin foil / 150 Microns
NAT12 / Natur semi transparent / 200 Microns
NAT5 / Semi transparent natur with white polka dots – 200 Microns
NAT8 / Thick semi transparent natural PU / 200 Microns
NAG1 / glas clear transparent / 200 Microns
NAT10 / Natur semi transparent white dots / 250 Microns
PIP2 / Pink shiny glossy / 200 Microns
PIG1 / Pink glossy semi transparent with white polka dots / 200 Microns
PIG2 / Pink semi transparent glas clear / 200 Microns
PIT1 / Pink semi transparent / 170 Microns
PIM1 / Pink dull thick foil – 220 Microns
RES1 / Red shiny / 200 Microns
RET1 / Red semi transparent – 180 Microns
RES5 / Red shiny white dots / 200 Microns
REG1 / Red shiny semi transparent / 200 Microns
VIG1 / Shiny transparent purple – 200 Microns
WHP3 / White/Pink Gingham / 200 microns
WHP2 / White/Blue Gingham / 200 microns
WHT1 / White semi transparent / 180 Microns
WHS1 / Shiny white – 200 Microns
WHP1 / White pearlised / 200 microns
WHT2 / White transparent, thin material / 120 Microns
YES1 / Shiny yellow – 180 Microns
YET1 / Lemon semi transparent – 170 Microns
YEM2 / Dull yellow with comic prints – 170 Microns
ORS2 / Orange Shiny / 280 Microns
MAS1 / Shiny deep pink / 180 Microns
NAT2 / Semi transparent natur thick foil / 250 Microns
NAT1 / Semi transparent natur / 170 Microns
GRT5 / Green medical / 150 Microns
GRS2 / Shiny green / 200 Microns
GRP6 - Green pearlised - 150 Microns
NAT3 / Semi transparent natur thick with colored polka dots / 170 Microns
BLS4 / outside blue, inside yellow shiny
Sold out (7)
PIP1 / Pink semi transparent with white polka dots / 200 Microns
BLS3 / Deep blue dull / 220 Microns
PIT2 / Pink semi transparent, stiffer / 170 Microns
SLP1 / pearlised silver / 180 Microns
VIP3 - Violet dull
VIS1 / Lilac lavender shiny
VIT1 / Violet-Lila halbtransparent
VIP1 / Shiny Purple – 180 Microns
YET2 / Yellow semi transparent – 180 Microns
YET5 / Yellow semi transparent 180 Microns
YEM1 / Dull yellow / 220 Microns
YEG1 / Shiny transparent yellow – 200 Microns
ORT1 / Orange semi transparent
Sold out (5)
Sold out (6)
NAG2 / Glas clear transparent with black polka dots / 200 Microns
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